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Most Wanted allows players to select one automobile and compete against other racers in three types of events: Sprint races, which involves going from one point of town to another, Racetrack races, each having two or three laps total and Speed runs, which entail traversing via a course in the greatest average speed potential. As the Most Wanted racers are defeated, their cars are added to the player’s roster the minute the player wrecks them. The game features a Most Wanted List of 10 racers, like the Blacklist in the single-player section of the original Most Wanted, which featured 15 racers. There are also Ambush races, where the player starts surrounded by cops and must evade their pursuit as quickly as you can.Policemen are integrated into particular racing sessions, in which tactics and the authorities deploy vehicles to stop the player’s car and detain the player, like the first Most Wanted. Game need for speed play online.