Technicolor Router Keygen Github

Posted on by admin
  1. Technicolor Router Admin

I get that it's easy for support staff but so is randomly generating the keys and stuffing them in a database and that's much safer (but it's even better not to have. Testing is on GitHub: also available on Google Play:

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  • Prerequisites

    Technicolor Router Keygen Github
    • The Thomson software (for Windows XP/7) to flash the router firmware ToolsTG852N
    • The router firmware 8.4.4.J (Plusnet ISP version)
    • Two ethernet cables

    Useful information

    • Technicolor is a company of Thomson, this is the reason we will use the Thomson flashing software
    • The default credentials for 8.x.x.x firmware version of TG582N is user: adminpassword: ROUTER_SERIAL_NUMBER (you can find the serial number under your router)


    Firmware flashing

    In this section we will flash the firmware 8.4.4.J to your router. You can skip these steps if you have already installed 8.4.4.J on you router, even if it's from antother ISP

    1. Reset the router using the back button so you're sure that everything has the default values
    2. Connect the router to your PC through an ethernet cable
    3. Extract the archive ToolsTG852N and open setup.exe from SW_Upgrade folder. Choose your language and then select Upgrade your Thomson Gateway
    4. Once the software has find your router, click Browse to browse to the firmware file to flash. If the app fails to find you router, try to enable the Remote assistance mode from the router web interface
    5. Wait until the flashing process is completed

    WAN Port Configuration

    In this section we will configure the 4th LAN port on the router as a WAN port. So the router will be able to use the PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) protocol to connect to internet through the modem you're using (the modem is the device with the DSL cable)

    1. Using your preferred software telnet into the router with the command telnet (change the IP with your router IP)
    2. Put the same credentials you use to login into the router web interface
    3. Launch these commands in the exact same sequence:
    1. Now it's time to make some physical connections: connect the WAN port just created (I remember it's the 4th LAN port) to one of the LAN port of your modem/router

    PPPoE setup

    In this section we will setup the PPPoE connection so that the TG582N will have access to internet connection

    1. Open the TG852N web interface and click on Technicolor Gateway on the sidebar
    2. Click Setup my Technicolor Gateway to make the configuration wizard appear. Warning: the next steps could be different if you don't have the exact same firmware I had on the router
    3. Choose Other for the Service and click Next
    4. Select PPPoE for Connection type and setup VPI/VCI, Username and Password according to your ISP (google for that parameters). In Italy, with Telecom Italia they are respectively 8.35aliceadslaliceadsl
    5. On the next screen choose Public Subnet (with independant WAN IP) for LAN Addressing Scheme and leave the rest as it is
    6. Wait for the wizard to complete the operation
    7. Once the operation has completed you should have full internet access from the TG852N

    Gaming mode setup

    In this section we will configure the parameters to allow online gaming from console without problems

    Technicolor Router Admin

    1. Go to Home Network -> Devices
    2. Assign a static IP to your console/game device
    3. Choose your device from the list and then click Assign the DMZ to a local network device. Here put your device IP and click Enable
    4. Under Toolbox -> Game & Application Sharing make sure to have UPnP enabled and, from the bottom of the page, enable the gaming mode clicking on Set Game Mode